The Embodied Life
The Embodied Life
Nina Merrens – Intercultural Communication
In this episode we talk all things...
- Leading from the Heart
- Intercultural Awareness
- Bringing your whole self to work
You can find the video version of the podcast at
YouTube: Australian Centre for Embodied Practice
Facebook: @centreforembodiedpractice
Inastgram: @centreforembodiedpractice
Spotify: The Embodied Life
Apple: The Embodied Life
Google: The Embodied Life
You can find more episodes, workshops, training & psychotherapy at
Nina's Bio
For over 25 years, Nina Merrens has designed, coached, and facilitated a range of
interventions for international organizations in the public, private and non-profit
sectors, including leadership development workshops, and organizational development
interventions. As an expert consultant, trainer and coach, her focus is on global
leadership training, organizational culture interventions, international team
development, intercultural competency coaching, and personal leadership.
In this capacity, she has supported numerous clients in Europe, United States, Middle
East, Africa and Asia, including Beiersdorf AG, SAP, Microsoft AG, W.L. Gore &
Associates, Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Daimler, Audi, ABB and the World Bank.
Nina also works as a leadership coach on the High Performance Leadership and
Advanced High Performance leadership programme at the IMD business school in
Lausanne, Switzerland for the last 6 years. Since January 2012 Nina has been working
for the United Nations Secretariat Management Development Programme (MDP) as
lead facilitator and coach – She has led leadership sessions for the UN for example, in
Dakar, Senegal, Bangkok, Thailand, Geneva, Switzerland and Vienna, Austria.
In addition, she has been a guest lecturer since 2001 at the University of Passau,
Germany on Intercultural Competency and Authentic Leadership and taught the
month-long Integrative leadership program for graduate students at Esalen Institute,
California “Leading from the heart”
You can find out more about Nina's work at